Set high, but not close, on top of the head. Faults: weak or crooked teeth crooked jaws. Undershot mouths are greatly to be discouraged it should be emphasized, however, that a slightly undershot bite in an otherwise well-balanced head with the correct sweet expression should not be penalized in favor of a level mouth with a plain or hard expression. Strong and even, preferably meeting in a scissors bite, although a level bite is permitted. patches of pink pigment showing through hair on muzzle. Well tapered mouth level lips well covering. Putty, or "dudley" noses, and white patches on the nose are serious faults, as are small, pinched nostrils. Nostrils should be well developed and the pigment uniformly black. There should be a shallow stop, and the length from base of stop to tip of nose should be at least 1-1/2 inches. Faults: Small, almond-shaped, prominent, or light eyes white surrounding the ring.

There should be slight cushioning under the eyes, which contributes much to the sweet, gentle expression characteristic of the breed. Large, round and set well apart color a warm, very dark brown, giving a lustrous, limpid look.

The skull is slightly rounded, but without a dome or peak it should appear flat because of the high placement of the ears.
#King charles cavalier brown free#
An active, graceful, well-balanced dog, very gay and free in action fearless and sporting in character, yet at the same time gentle and affectionate.